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Write For Us

Do you have a passion for writing? Do you love sharing your opinion on the latest film or web series or celebrity? Kollywood Zone invites you to write about your favourite films, stars or anything related to Kollywood.

In return you will get full credit for the post and you can link back to your website at the bottom of every post you make. We allow a maximum of one external link in every post and posts containing more than one external link or links within the content body maybe modified or will not be published.

Before submitting your post for consideration, please note the following guidelines:

  • Submission of your guest post does not guarantee publication. Submissions will be reviewed and if it is relevant to the website, it will be published.
  • Posts must be high-quality, original content and you agree not to post it elsewhere.
  • Articles should have be minimum 1000 words long and must be accompanied by a relevant image.
  • Submissions must be related to entertainment – Film, Movies, TV, Music or Celebrities.
  • We do not allow links to Warez, Casino, CBD, Adult, Gambling or Pharmaceutical, and any sites that we feel do not fit our standards.
  • MUST NOT be a press release, advertisement, sales letter, promotional copy, or blatant and excessive self-promotion or hype.
  • MUST HAVE proper English, spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization and sentence structure. While we know there is a variation in what is considered “proper English,” we ask that you at least be consistent within your article. Your article must also be proofed and double checked for accuracy.
  • MUST NOT contain any content that is a violation of any law, be considered defamatory, libelous, or infringes on the legal rights of others.
  • In lieu of cash payment, we give our writers publicity on our website through linking to their websites/emails, publishing a short bio, and highlighting some writers in our opt-in newsletter.

By submitting your article(s) to us

  1. You declare that you are the sole owner and author of the article and own 100% of all copyrights pertaining to it.
  2. Your submission to Kollywood Zone gives unconditional permission for us to publish your article on the website and if featured, it may be distributed to our newsletter, RSS feed, and to our real-time email alerts members.
  3. We reserve the right to re-classify your article in a topic category that may be more suitable than originally submitted.
  4. Kollywood Zone is advertiser supported. We reserve the right to publish ads on the same pages as your articles.

Kollywood Zone reserves the right to modify these Terms & Conditions at any time without prior notice.

Write For Us